Here is the second part:
6. Billing and Logging
8. LB (Load Balancing):
9. Auto Scaling:
I know your next question will be "hey, you are mixing Autoscaling & ELB, aren't you?" I will say no. From what I understand, the main difference is only comes with word SCALING. Here is how:
1. Type of Scaling:
5. Database:
Raghav's business is expanding day by day and he finds it hard to get skilled DBA on such a short notice where customer demand is on-fire. He himself good at MySQL but developer oriented aronly. What could be the another alternative for scaling and managing data at enterprise level? Cloud computing provides web service which manages database product. It is used for operating various types of databases without manual intervention so that it will be easier to manage customer data along with above discussed services.
6. Billing and Logging
Govinda is a sysadmin who has setup cloud platform for his company. Despite everything goes as planned, he is still facing issues regarding troubleshooting from users. Boss is asking Govinda that why is he unable to launch more than one instance. Developers asking him why they're not able to launch higher configuration of instances. Govinda is thinking hard over this problem. The issue is with the with metrics gathering: Billing and Logging. Using this cloud based service, one who manages the cloud services will be able to see the resource usage. Based on budget and other constraints, he can setup rules and parameters for management of future instances. Now, Govinda can analyze and gather data for this week. Also, he can use policies and alarms so that other users can use only they need, not they want.
Keshav is managing the servers which are under heavy traffic during the afternoon period of the day. If somehow it fails, it also affects on performance of Keshav to manage the infrastructure responsibly. One can't predict nor deny any chances of failures in infrastructures especially based on traffic and requests per second to web servers. What should he do now? Here, the LB comes into picture. This service is used whenever load on the system will increase beyond specific capacity, the another copy of the same machine will automatically start to handle that load without affecting the original server. It helps to :
- Reroutes traffic from failed to running instances.
- Restores traffic from running to restored instance (failed instance running again) and first line of defense in network
Madhav is big data analyst at 123 Company. He always has to play with 1TB or more data in his daily life. What if suddenly one day, the load increases on the machine and he is not able to provide analytics? How to manage load automatically? In such cases, Autoscaling comes handy. It is designed to manage load on the machines in such a way that whenever such scenario will occur, there will new instances start running to handle the load and as soon as the load decreased, the instances will be automatically terminated.
1. Type of Scaling:
Here is link for next article: Part 3
You can only route & reroute traffic from one instance to other instance checking its state of health. It does not deal with number [horizontal scale] of instance or size [vertical scale] of instance. Just add running instance, irrespective of its resources.
In Auto Scaling,
You can do the both scaling types; either one or both.
2. Modes
In simple words, Auto Scaling provides which resources should be used to manage the load while ELB provides how to handle the load in well-designed and engineered manner.