Thursday, 22 May 2014

IaaS based Private Cloud Features Compatible with AWS Public Cloud - Part 3

Now, we will take look at most important part of Cloud Computing called Orchestration.

10. Orchestration

Before going technical terminology, let's see its simple meaning. In general, it is very rare that one would say I've never heard of word Orchestra. What does it mean? It's a group of instrumentalists, especially one combining string, woodwind, brass and percussion sections. 
What makes it important is their combination and coordination. Without it, neither there will be fine tuned music nor they can play any song.

Similar, in cloud computing, Orchestration is the component and service which helps to manage and scale all the components external and internal to the Cloud system so that they can co-ordinate and communicate with each other effectively ensuring smooth running of operations.

For me, that's all about what cloud components are ! I would go for table in brief which will compare the cloud components in context with AWS Public Cloud:

Cloud Services AWS Eucalyptus Openstack Cloudstack*
Identity & Access Management IAM CLC keystone CloudStack management server
Compute Internally NC Nova CloudStack agent
Object Storage S3 Walrus Swift --
Block Storage EBS SC Cinder --
Networking VPC, Direct Connect CC (works with other Components) Neutron,Nova --
Image Internally CLC Glance --
Database RDS, Dynamo DB, SimpleDB None Trove --
Billing/Logging CloudWatch CloudWatch Ceilometer CloudStack usage monitor
Load Balancing ELB ELB Neutron CloudStack management server
Autoscaling Autoscaling Autoscaling Heat CloudStack management server
Orchestration Internally CLC Heat CloudStack management server

*This section is under construction. Suggestions are welcome !


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